About me
Hi there! I am Ufuk, a researcher working on coastal engineering applications of computational fluid dynamics (CFD). I have been working as a research assistant at Ocean Engineering Research Center, METU since 2019.
I have completed my Master’s degree in METU, Ocean Engineering department. I am also continuing my PhD on the same field.
I believe that the computer-based solutions are the future of this world. Therefore, I try to improve myself in fluid mechanics and CFD applications.
I enjoy researching, developing, and working. You can also find me playing chess in my spare time. Therefore, I am always open to noval, interesting, collaborative joint projects and friendly chess matches.
Baris Ufuk Senturk
Researcher on CFD and Coastal Engineering
Ocean Engineering Research Center, METU
Research Interests
Computational fluid dynamics (CFD)
Porous media modeling
Turbulence modeling
Fluid & structure interaction
Sediment transport
Design of maritime structures
PhD in Coastal Engineering
METU, On-going
MSc in Coastal Engineering
METU, 2019-2022
BSc in Civil Engineering
METU, 2013-2018